Apple TV+ has unveiled the trailer for “Time Bandits,” a TV adaptation of the Terry Gilliam’s beloved 1981 fantasy feature. The 10-episode series will premiere with two episodes July 24, followed by two new episodes each Wednesday through Aug. 21.
The comedic adventure series follows a group of thieves and their newest recruit — an 11-year-old boy — hopping across time and space to plunder riches. The trailer sees the boy Kevin (Kal-El Tuck), a history buff who discovers a portal in his wardrobe and joins a band led by Penelope (Lisa Kudrow). Over their adventures, the group takes on evil forces as Kevin sheds light on various historic stops seen in the trailer, like the creation of Stonehenge, the Trojan Horse, dinosaurs in the prehistoric ages and the Ice Age.
“Time Bandits” is produced for Apple TV+ by Paramount Television Studios, Anonymous Content’s AC Studios and MRC. Jemaine Clement, Iain Morris and Taika Waititi executive produce, write and direct select episodes, with Clement and Morris serving as co-showrunners. Garrett Basch and Tim Coddington also executive produce along with Jane Stanton, who executive produces for Handmade Films.
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Tadhg Murphy, Roger Jean Nsengiyumva, Rune Temte, Charlyne Yi, Rachel House, Kiera Thompson, James Dryden, Felicity Ward, Francesca Mills and Imaan Hadchiti round out the cast. Waititi and Clement also guest star.
In May, Yi alleged that they were “physically assaulted multiple times by an actor, as well as psychologically abused” on the set of “Time Bandits,” also claiming that they were “coerced to quit” the project and that they were denied workers compensation for an alleged back injury and PTSD.
In a statement to Variety, a spokesperson from Paramount TV Studios said: “The safety of our cast and crew is very important to us, and we take all concerns that are raised to us very seriously. At the time of the complaint, Paramount Television Studios conducted a full investigation regarding allegations that were brought to our attention. While all investigations are confidential and we cannot comment on specifics, additional steps were taken to address concerns.”
Watch the trailer below.